Towards Becoming an Anti-Racist Organization: Architects of Abundance

April 5, 2024

Many of us were taught that before colonization, the indigenous peoples were hunter-gatherers who wandered a harmonious natural paradise. But in March, we got the opportunity to learn more about Indigenous food systems and land management practices.

Musician, scholar, and cultural historian Lyla June at WICA, thanks to Sno-Isle Libraries Foundation’s Trudy Sundberg Lecture Series, shared some history and wisdom that could impact our relation to the world. Below are just a few of the resources she shared.

Architects of Abundance (Video) – Watch a recording of much of the same presentation, given online in February 2022.

3000-year-old solutions to modern problems – TED Talk (Video) – Lyla June shares many of the same ideas as the above, but in a shorter 13 minute TED talk.

On Indigenous Food Ways (Podcast) – An episode from the Healing Cultures podcast with Lyla June focused on how food is tied to language, and food production tied to land protection.

Forgotten Fires: Native Americans and the Transient Wilderness (2009; book) – One of the first anthropologists to look at Native American impact on the land.