Because we are not housing developers, builders, or managers, we will hold on to the property until an affordable housing developer can be identified.
The owners, Langley residents JR and Cally Fulton, approached Goosefoot with a request to purchase their property and hold on to it for the development of affordable housing. Half of the purchase price was donated by two anonymous donors and the Fultons are giving Goosefoot until March 2023 to raise the remaining balance of $300,000.
Our feasibility study for siting affordable housing in the Bayview Rural Area of Intensive Development (RAID)—completed in October 2021—was a real eye opener. Much work remains to be done on septic infrastructure and financing. In addition, the collaborating landowners don’t appear to be in the position to make land available in the near future. Goosefoot needed to remain open to other possibilities.
This property in the City of Langley offers a more timely opportunity to get affordable housing built, especially since it’s on municipal infrastructure. However, Goosefoot is not losing sight of the many benefits of placing affordable housing in the Bayview RAID, especially in terms of location, services, and access to public transportation.
This remarkable collaboration between private individuals and a non-profit organization—with innovative financing plans—may hold the key to getting more affordable housing built. We appreciate the Fulton’s trust in us to help realize their dream of helping to create affordable housing in Langley.
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