Goosefoot News, Arts & Events

Looking for something fun to do? Want to learn about Goosefoot's latest projects? Look here for a schedule of live music, art shows, wellness activities, and more happening in Bayview.

Monthly Readings & Resources from Goosefoot’s Anti-Racism Task Force: Should We Celebrate Black History Month?

February is Black History Month. Founded in 1926 as Black History Week, the idea was to provide resources and focus for American teachers to discuss often erased, overlooked, and forgotten history.

8th Annual Mardi Gras Party

Tuesday, February 13, 6-8:30 PM
Bayview Community Hall

Live music with Zydeco Explosion and a costume contest. Admission is free and the event is family friendly. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Monthly Readings & Resources from Goosefoot’s Anti-Racism Task Force: Revisiting an American Icon

If you haven’t done so in a while, consider revisiting what you know about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the upcoming national holiday that bears his name.

The Liberation of Color II: Work by Ian Joseph Jackson

On view through February 26, 2024

Through a wide spectrum of color and style, Jackson's vibrant, timely work captures the emotion and complexity of the encounter between the historical, the archetypal, and the human.

Monthly Readings & Resources from Goosefoot’s Anti-Racism Task Force: It’s Not the Month That Should Matter

Indigenous People's Day is celebrated annually on the second Monday of October. Native American Heritage Month is recognized every November. Did these observations pass you by? That's okay. It shouldn't be the month or day that matters, but the actions you take and your commitment to learning. Here are three resources to motivate us to action, no matter what the time of year it is.

The Giving Tree

Support local island nonprofits and collect a gift perfect for stocking stuffers, clients, employees, or gift exchanges.

Art for All: An $100 and Under Art Show

On view through January 7, 2024

A way for folks to find truly one-of-a-kind gifts at affordable prices while also supporting their friends and neighbors.

Monthly Readings & Resources from Goosefoot’s Anti-Racism Committee: Indigenous Heritage Month

This November, we appreciate and recognize the tribes of the Lower Skagit, Swinomish, Suquamish, and Snohomish that call these lands home. Below are some readings that focus on the history and current status of local tribes.

Monthly Readings & Resources from Goosefoot’s Anti-Racism Task Force: Bystander Intervention

Have you ever wondered what to do if you witness public instances of bigotry, racism, or other forms of discrimination? This month's readings offer some concrete actions and interventions bystanders can take to stand up for a person being targeted and stop further harm.

Diane Baxter: Landscapes, Skyscapes & Stories

On view through November 6, 2023

Simple but complex beauty of the natural world telling stories belonging to Diane or those belonging to all of us.